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  • Dreams
    White chocolate cheese cake jars

    The goodness of Philadelphia cream cheese and white chocolate caught in a delicious house cheese cake recipe, embellished with berry coulis.

  • Dreams
    Premium almond and coriander praline tartine

    Balanced notes of 33% Ghana milk chocolate paired with Mandarin orange for a light cremeux, brittle coriander and almond praline in cocoa-almond tartine.

  • Dreams
    Éclair Venezuela

    Éclair of single origin 72% Venezuelan chocolate, augmented with rich caramel notes of dulcey cream and garnished with gold pepin.

  • Dreams
    84% signature dark chocolate petit cake with fleur de sel

    Signature dark chocolate with fruity and intense undertones explored three ways - a pure ganache, a citrusy chocolate cream and a rich chocolate mousse, on a textured sea salt-nut sablé, enrobed in cocoa glaze.