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Chefs Creation
  • Triple chocolate cup

    Layers of milk choco crème, dark choco crème and crunchy cocoa nibs nestled gently in a dark chocolate cup garnished with choco curves and cocoa powder.

  • Machiato chocolate cup

    Milk chocolate cup filled with a luscious layer of Arabica coffee, milk choco créme and dark almond choco créme, garnished with crunchy butterscotch nibs.

  • Minty Dark

    Dark chocolate cup filled with choco crush and sinfully dark mint choco créme, topped by an extra layer of dark choco créme sprinkled with cocoa powder and cocoa nibs.

  • Sweet and salt chocolate cup

    Layers of delicious caramel sprinkled with French sea salt crystals and milk choco crème piped in a dark chocolate cup, dusted with extra cocoa powder and roasted almond bits.

  • CrÉme and caramel symphony

    Milk chocolate cup filled with heavenly white créme, caramel, milk choco créme and roasted almond bits, garnished delicately with powdered sugar and delicious cocoa nibs.